My friends call me KBB, and I hope you will, too. My background in education started as the child of trailblazers. My parents dove headfirst into homeschooling when it had barely become legal. When I was nine years old, they planted our roots back home in Colorado, moving our family to Highlands Ranch on the night the Avs won the Stanley Cup for the first time.
After living in Douglas County for several years, we moved to rural Colorado, just past the Elbert County line. I grew up going to church in Kiowa, on the edge of a town that didn’t have a single stoplight and watching my brothers compete in football, basketball, and track at the local high school. After graduating, I entered law school at the age of 17, working as a waitress, and beginning a lifelong pursuit of constitutional rights and equality for all people. Two years later, I sponsored Colorado’s first Personhood Amendment, traveling the state to make the case that all people are created equal and deserve the right to life under our laws.
I’ve continued my constitutional law work, writing briefs at the U.S. Supreme Court (and lower federal courts) defending the right to life, the Second Amendment, freedom of religion, and women’s rights to play sports without men taking our places. Currently, I work as the Executive Vice President at Advance Colorado, where we work to stop unnecessary government regulations, protect TABOR, solve the property tax crisis, lower crime rates, and preserve everyone’s ability to access school choice.
Over the years, I’ve had a diverse experience in education — working as a substitute teacher in rural public schools, serving on the board of an alternative private high school, tutoring homeschooled 4th-6th graders in math, grammar, and writing in a classical program, advocating for charter schools, and homeschooling my own two children. School choice and educational options are built into the fiber of my life, and I’m convinced that families should have more doors opened to them, not less.
From 2021-2023, I was the Colorado Republican Chairwoman — the first woman in 40 years and youngest person ever elected to this position. I saw firsthand what happens when government is run by a liberal party that prefers to hide from voters instead of being accountable and transparent. Our children’s academic success has suffered, and only roughly 40% of Colorado kids can read and do math at grade levels. Fixing the achievement gap requires tough accountability — at the state, local, and individual school levels — and we must insist on it.
My upbringing in a close-knit, Christian family that focused on character and integrity taught me that good parents are one of the biggest blessings in a child’s life. My husband, Dave, and I work every day to continue the work of our parents — to actively raise our children to be patriotic, educated citizens who stand up for what is right and to respect others at the same time. Colorado’s education system should welcome parents, not shut them out. My number one job on the State Board of Education will be to communicate with parents and help their voices be heard. Together, we can create a better future for all our children.
Never Surrender!